Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 1920

Our first trip in London, was to the American Express office near Trafalgar Square, to get some checks cashed in English money. Verily, the money question is going to be a problem! We motored about the city seeing the British Museum - Here we were especially impressed with the Roman room and the Ephesis room. Saw a copy of the oldest bible in existence. The Victoria and Albert museum, The Natural History Museum, the Zoo, the fashionable West End with the parks, St. James, Hyde and Kensington and sundry palaces, including the royal residence at Buckingham. St. James Palace built by Henry VIII, and now home of the Prince of Wales. Marlboro house, the home of Queen Alexandra and Kensington Palace, where both Queen Victoria and the present Queen Mary were born. The famous Life Guards in their Scarlet and Gold, the royal arch, never unlocked except for royalty to pass through. Visited British W.C.T.U. Headquarters, then after lunch, attended a reception at Westminster Hall, and met my hostess for Monday afternoon - Mrs. Cole.

So far we have not heard the “hoarse-voiced cabman.” We remember in Dickens they were always hoarse. It seems strange to see riders and vehicles turn to the left when meeting another. It is said that William the Conqueror rode into battle (the battle of Hastings) on a left-handed horse - whatever that may be - and ever since, all England has done likewise.

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