It is still rough and the sea is “choppy,” with a cold wind. But we will soon be out of the trade winds and then we will expect smooth sailing. We have gone out of our course to avoid the strong current of the Gulf Stream flowing in an opposite direction from what we want to go.
I have watched the men taking the temperature of the water as they direct our course. They let down a little leather bucket, bring it up and drop in a thermometer. Mr. Drummond looks me up every day and he is a good traveling companion. Met two Y.M.C.A. men to-day, one of them conducts our Song-fests each evening. There are many delightful people on board.
I have learned that if I am to escape sea-sickness I must avoid the close rooms inside and live on deck in the open air as much as possible, but I am sorry to miss so much of the good music, but of “two evils I am choosing the least.”
We have two youthful violinists (I am not sure of their nationality) aboard, that it is a treat to hear them play.
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