I have been down to breakfast and am back in my steamer chair on deck. I have a most attentive table waiter who tells me “I eat for a bird” but I am not sick and that is the main thing to consider just now.
It is still rough and cold. I think I could be classed as belonging to almost any one of the 20 nationalities on board, judging from appearances. Foreign wind and sun have certainly left their mark. There is a little Jewess on board who has come all the way from Palestine alone, and is going to New York to meet her fiance, and be married. She comes around to our party every day to visit, and we all feel sorry for her. She is a little “bundle of nerves,” so lonely and has been sick. It was a big undertaking for her to come so far, we hope the man in the case is deserving of such devotion.
We had a very interesting echo meeting of the World’s Convention. Our Japanese friends attended and were in good spirits.
The concert given for the benefit of Sea-man’s orphans was not very well attended. So many were sick.
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