Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 1920

We were delighted when a messenger brought aboard a Special delivery letter from Sister this morning. A believer in Palmistry would say “I told you so.” Now we can go on to Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida - where we are to teach in a “Y” Camp, without anxiety. If we start to-day, it will mean two nights and one day’s travel to reach Jacksonville our first stop. If we take an early train to-morrow morning we can go through in one night and two days. We choose the latter and to-night we are at the Herald Square hotel, near to the depot.


  1. I've been enjoying this journal since the beginning, partly because I took a trip to London from May 9-16 (although your great-great-grandmother was in Belgium on the corresponding dates.)
    And today to read that she was going to teach at the school down the street from my work!
    It truly is a small world...even 90 years apart!
    Thanks for posting this.

  2. Thank you so very much for posting this trip diary, what a fascinating peek at a very different world.
    I've been copying this series each day into a word document to print out, so my mother and aunt, both 90, can read them in order. I've told them about it and they wait with bated breath.;o)

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed it - thank you for your comments!

  4. Thanks for posting this journal. It's been a fascinating read. Francis seems to have had such a zest for life and a keen eye for interesting details and observations. I still love the image of her rolling out of bed and waking her roommate up with laughter!
